Person applying to become full member of the Youth Peace Ambassadors Network (YPA Network) is required to:
- Participate in at least one of the educational activities of the YPA Network (seminar, training course or other)* and get a reference from a YPA Network member who took part in the same event;
2. Take part in one of YPA Network’s actions (online, local actions, international) within 6 months after participation in an educational activity or implement a follow-up local peace-building action;
3. Share the values of the YPA Network and work in line with its mission.
To become full member of the YPA Network has to fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
- Be actively involved and/or have experience and expertise in youth work within the framework of the YPA Network mission, values and guiding principles;
- Be actively involved and/or have experience and expertise in work with local or internationals organizations and institutions within the framework of the YPA Network mission, values and guiding principles;
- Have basic knowledge of Universal Human Rights and Peace.
*YPA Network activity: The activity that is organised either directly by the YPA Network or by minimum two YPA Network members with the partnership, knowledge, and/or support of the Network.
- YPA Network enlargement process will happen at least 2 times per year. Exact date shall be set by the Board of the Network. All applications that arrive before the set date will be considered.
- Final decision on acceptance will be made the Board of the Network in accordance with Network rules and procedures. All applicants will be informed on the status of their application.
- Board can appoint recruitment committee if it is needed. Recruitment committee will have the task to review all applications and create report with recommendations for potential candidates, and submit it to the Board. Number of Recruitment committee members shall depend on the number of applications for the membership.
- All applicants will submit online application using YPA Network template, cover letter and the name of YPA Network member who has agreed to be their reference.
- Networks reserves the right to reject any application submitted for the membership.