aiming to show the deepest down and most casual face of the YPAN and friend souls



During this last summer the YPAN started developing “The Peace podcast” aiming to show the deepest down and most casual face of the YPAN and friend souls. During these times of lockdown and telematic work, the creation of online contents has been revealed as a impactful tool for reaching the youngest audiences.

The podcast consists on series of conversations or interviews with active peace-builders conducted by Eliska Jelinkova and trying to show the multiple approaches to peace-building. The three episodes were dedicated to Edo, Tission and Julia as YPAN members with prolific profe-ssional careers. During the conversations we’ve touched topics such as understanding of Peace, the peacebuilding strategies and aspects of their personal lives.

The first super dynamic chapter of the Youth Peace Ambassadors Network Podcast.

For this very special occasion, we have invited Edo to explain his experience as a YPA and the amazing Co-working, Co-living spaces he creates.

Enjoy the listening and keep on track!

In this second episode of the Peace Podcast, Eliska, the voice of the YPA for this online-super interesting action will meet Tissione Parmar. Tiss is the founder of the NGO Alive Peace and works in UNITAR as an education expert.

Get ready for a deep conversation about the meanings of Peace and the work of UNITAR around the globe.

In this third episode, we will meet Julia, one of the participants of the Youth Peace Ambassadors project of the CoE and the seed of our network.

She will talk about non-formal education and the history of the network among other interesting topics.

Enjoy the listening and keep on track!

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

//The Peace Podcasts Team
Jose, Eliska, Lisa